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Wildfire Saviour

ighoshsubho's github profile

The ultimate application for detecting wildfire and notifying in time!

Amazon Smart Watch

Harshu467's github profile

Amazon Smart Watch Website with features of Heart-Rate and Live Time with different colors available.


Sahilll15's github profile

Portfolio is a dynamic website showcasing the impressive work and projects of Sahil Chalke. Crafted using ReactJS and NextJS, this portfolio website elegantly presents Sahil's skills and achievements.


SurajPratap10's github profile

TrailBlaze is an all-in-one movie and TV show Trailers viewing app.

Water Quality Prediction

Harshu467's github profile

This project is based on the prediction of water quality using machine learning algorithms.


RotrixLOL's github profile

Discover new movies and genres with chatbot experience.

Portfolio site

jayk-gupta's github profile

Portfolio site made using html,css,javascript,reactjs and tailwindcss

This is a Beginner Friendly Project for Students.

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

javascript practice project for the ones who want to learn javascript and this projects are beginner friendly.

Score Keeper

shagunZ's github profile

Built using reactjs, this app provides a user-friendly interface and real-time score updates. The app dynamically updates the scores in real-time, providing an interactive and engaging experience. The app incorporates a score limit feature and displays the winner when the score limit is reached.

Toaster Ui

murtazajoo's github profile

Toaster-Ui is a lightweight javascript library that allows you to easily display toast messages in your web application.